
Fetch your important emails as notes.

Additional Information

Maintainers: bishoy-magdy
Minimum app version:2.7
Downloads: This version:3072
Last updated:2022-09-08T02:36:27Z

Email Plugin

This plugin adds the ability to fetch email messages (including attachments) and converts them to Joplin notes in various formats, either by monitoring any new or unread messages from a specific email address or a specific mailbox, or by uploading downloaded email messages to the plugin without having to be logged in.

Installing Plugin

  • Open Joplin
  • Go to Tools > Options > Plugins
  • Search for Email Plugin
  • Click Install plugin
  • Restart Joplin to enable the plugin


  • Monitoring and fetching any new or unread messages from a specific email address.

  • Monitoring and fetching any new or unread messages from a specific mailbox.

  • Send the converted message to specific notebooks and add tags to the note by using @ or # in the email subject or first line of email content and then forward the email to yourself.

  • Convert emails (including attachments) to notes without having to be logged into the plugin.

  • Convert email messages to notes in different formats (HTML, Markdown, Text).

  • Show attachments in different styles, whether they are in the form of a Table or Links.

How to use

  • Monitoring and fetching from a specific email address

    • Open Email Plugin.

    • Login to the plugin with your email address and password.

    • Enter the email account you want to start fetching and monitoring new or unread messages from and click on the Fetching & Monitoring toggle.

      • If you enter your email address in the from field, simply forward the email message to yourself after adding some easy syntax to the end of the email subject, or add this syntax in a new line at the beginning of the message content, and the plugin will handle the rest.

        • Set a note title : Change note title by changing the subject of the email.

        • Add to a notebook : Add @notebook to send it to a specific notebook.

        • Add tags : Add #tag to organize the note with a tag.

          For example: Say you want this email located in the joplin and gmail folders and also want to add gmail and email as tags to the note. Just edit the email subject or add a new line at the beginning of the message content like this:

          Email subject: My message @joplin @email #gmail #email

      • Otherwise the email messages will be in the email messages folder.

  • Monitoring and fetching from a specific mailbox

    • Open Email Plugin.

    • Login to the plugin with your email address and password.

    • Select a specific mailbox and notebook in which you want the email messages to be located and click on the Fetching & Monitoring Mailbox toggle.

  • Upload downloaded email messages

    • Open Email Plugin.

    • Click on the convert saved messages button.

    • Upload .eml format files of email messages that you want to convert to notes.

    • Select a notebook, enter the tags, select the export options, and click on the convert button.

Important Notes

  • ⚠️ Make sure the email provider allows login using the original password; otherwise, use the app password.

  • If you want to change the note format, remove attachments from the note, or change the attachments style while monitoring, go to Tools > Email Plugin.

  • If you mention folders or tags that don't exist in Joplin, they will be created automatically.

  • If you open the email message, the message is no longer new or unread, but you can easily mark it as unread again.

Building the plugin

The plugin is built using Webpack, which creates the compiled code in /dist. A JPL archive will also be created at the root, which can use to distribute the plugin.

To build the plugin, simply run npm run dist.

The project is setup to use TypeScript, although you can change the configuration to use plain JavaScript.


To test the plugin, simply run npm test. The testing library used is Jest.