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Joplin User Link Plugin


A Joplin plugin for custom links, like `jump://?query=blabla`.

Additional Information

Maintainers: cologler
Minimum app version:1.7
Downloads: This version:733
Last updated:2021-06-01T08:30:32Z

User Link

A Joplin plugin for custom links.


Ensure your URL is encoded!

Jump to anything

use resource id:

[???](jump://notes/{noteId})            # jump to note by id
[???](jump://notebooks/{notebookId})    # jump to notebook by id
[???](jump://tags/{tagId})              # jump to tag by id

use query params:

[???](jump://?query={query})            # jump to note via search
[???](jump://notes/?query={query})      # jump to note via search (also)
[???](jump://notebooks/?query={query})  # jump to notebook via search
[???](jump://tags/?query={query})       # jump to tag via search

or use `jumpq://`:

[???](jumpq://notes/{query})            # jump to note via search
[???](jumpq://notebooks/{query})        # jump to notebook via search
[???](jumpq://tags/{query})             # jump to tag via search

For more query syntax, see here.

exec any command

[createANote](exec://newNote?0=blabla) # create with template text `blabla`
  • Arguments are pass as a array;
  • If the query string like 0=a&2=c, only use 0=a;
  • Arguments will parse as json if possible, or use raw string;

Find more commands here.


  1. run npm run update.
  2. run npm run dist.