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Extra Markdown editor settings

Screenshot: Shows line numbers, autocomplete, and folding in use Screenshot: Shows the available settings: line numbers, code folding, autocomplete, highlight line gutter, highlight active line, highlight spaces, highlight trailing spaces, and more. Screenshot: Shows math, headers, links, rendered as Markdown.


Line numbers, code folding, space highlighting, word count, and other options for the CodeMirror 6 editor.

Additional Information

Maintainers: personalizedrefrigerator
Minimum app version:3.0.3
Downloads: This version:3431
Last updated:2025-02-06T18:06:01Z

Extended Markdown editor settings

This plugin adds several additional Markdown editor settings. Many of these settings are built in to Joplin's CodeMirror editor.

In Joplin Desktop < 3.1.x: To use this plugin, first enable the beta editor in settings (Options > General > Opt in to the editor beta).

Available settings

Screenshot of Joplin Desktop's settings screen for the Extended Markdown editor settings plugin

  • Show line numbers: Shows line numbers to the left of the editor.
  • Enable code folding: Adds expand/collapse buttons to the editor gutter.
  • Enable autocomplete: Shows a completion dialog in certain code blocks.
  • Highlight the gutter for the active line: If a gutter is shown (e.g. for line numbers), the gutter for the current line is shown in a different color.
  • Highlight spaces: Makes spaces and tabs visible.
  • Highlight trailing spaces: Highlights space characters at the end of lines.
  • Highlight selection matches: If text is selected, other visible instances of the same text are highlighted.
  • Show background grid pattern: Shows a grid pattern behind the editor's content.
  • Show word count: Adds a panel that shows the number of words in the open note. This number is calculated differently from Joplin's built-in word counter.
  • Show visual sync indicator: Shows an icon or text panel that indicates Joplin's current sync status.
  • Hide Markdown: Hides or replaces formatting markup. For example, clickable checkboxes added to the start of items in checklist markup.
  • Text direction (advanced): Allows setting the editor's text direction to right-to-left or left-to-right for all lines, regardless of system language settings.

More information: The "Hide Markdown" setting

The "Hide Markdown" setting hides or replaces Markdown on lines that don't contain the cursor.

In particular, setting "Hide Markdown" to "Some", makes the following changes:

  • Checkbox markup: Replaced with checkboxes:
    screenshot: Checkboxes are shown to the left of checklist items
  • Links: In links in [title](url) format, URLs and brackets are hidden:
    screenshot: Link URLs are hidden when the cursor is on a different line
    At present, clicking links does not follow them.
  • Headings: #s are hidden:
    screenshot: A Markdown heading labeled "Test" with a "#" character, headings level 1-4 shown without.
    Above, the cusror is on the same line as the # Test heading. As a result, its leading # markup is visible.
  • Bold/italic/code markup: Formatting characters (e.g. **) are hidden:
    screenshot: "Bold, italic, and code" repeated twice. First, with formatting characters, second without.
  • Blockquotes: >s are hidden:
    screenshot: Blockquote containing "This is a blockquote!" is shown twice. The first time with the leading ">", the second time without.