
Fetches meta tags/data from URLs in your notes.

Additional Information

Maintainers: isaacakajupiter
Minimum app version:2.13
Downloads: This version:75
Last updated:2024-08-18T23:39:24Z

Joplin Plugin - URL Meta

This plugin will grab and fetch meta tags (title, description and image) from URLs found in your notes. It also supports clicking on a URL in the markdown-it panel and popping up information in a dialog with options to open/copy. It also supports a panel that will show all found URLs in the note with buttons to open/copy. This plugin can only fetch these tags from the desktop client, but can display details in the mobile version.



  • Added support for more image extensions via the canvas browser API.
  • Now fetching meta tags for 1 URL at a time to prevent missing data for same domain. This also now includes a progress indicator in the panel.
  • Refetch single URL now exists on desktop.


  • Added support for inline URL metadata cards in the markdown viewer.
  • Added setting to disable/enable inline markdown cards.
  • Added setting for maximum dimension for downloaded metadata image. E.g: if set to 500, a 1920x1080 image would turn into 500x281.


  • Fix bug where video resources no longer load within the markdown viewer when the plugin is loaded.
  • When refetching metadata for a single URL in the panel on desktop, make the new metadata appear in the same place instead of at the bottom.


  • Fixed issue #2 by displaying URLs in reverse order and only skipping URLs if there is a container already containing that specific URL.


  • Added new setting "Metadata In Markdown Display Method" (special thanks to deepspaceaxolotl for the idea). This can be one of the following options.
    • Default: Requires empty line between links.
    • Compact: Requires line break (not an extra empty line) between links.
    • Ultra Compact: Renders immediately after the link no matter what.
  • Slight fix for the regex for matching URLs (a link with a hash containing a hyphen would break).
  • Links appearing multiple times within a note are now rendered every time, not just the bottommost.
  • Missing resource will no longer cause the "URL Meta Tags" panel to indefinitely load.


  • Compact/Ultra Compact display methods now only apply margin between metadata containers.
  • Resource image src URIs now use the file:// prefix if before v3.1.1 and the joplin-content://note-viewer/ prefix if v3.1.1 or newer.


  • Remove BR elements if using compact/ultraCompact display type when they exist right after the anchor tags. This should make the display closer to how it would render without the plugin (with just an injection for the meta information).

Roadmap/Known Issues