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Joplin Delayed Sync


Add an option to trigger the synchronization after editing a note.

Additional Information

Maintainers: lzambarda
Minimum app version:2.13
Downloads: This version:62
Last updated:2024-07-30T10:08:51Z

Joplin Plugin Delayed Sync

This simple plugin introduces the ability to synchronize after a note has been modified, with a delay. It is intended for people who quickly jot something down on Joplin and then go about their day forgetting to synchronize! :P


The plugin only has two options:

  • Sync Delay: how many milliseconds to wait after a note has been edited, before triggering a synchronization. Defaults to 5000 milliseconds. I would not make this too small as it also behaves as a debouncer, clearing the timer with each note edit.
  • Queue Syncs: whether to queue another sync if a synchronization is already happening after Sync Delay seconds have passed. This is to make sure that all note changes are saved "in time". Defaults to true.


I have noticed a slight delay between executing the synchronization command and the Sync button actually showing some activity. Not sure why, but in case that's too long, you can decrease the delay.