Add multiple colored groups Adjust forces, highlight nodes on hover


Visualize connections between notes in Joplin.

Additional Information

Maintainers: sepremento
Minimum app version:3.2.12
Downloads: This version:118
Last updated:2025-02-12T10:48:37Z

Sepremento's Awesome Graph

This plugin provides a graph for the connections between notes in your Joplin databse. The graph is interactive and configurable. See Features below.

It was initially a fork of @treymo Link Graph UI plugin but quickly have developed into a creature of its own. Some pieces of code remained untouched so as the structure of the app.

This plugin was developed for my personal use and my taste. It works best with Dark theme. Also I am a recreational developer in TypeScript and Web so no rigorous testing was introduced. However pugin does a very decent job for me.

There are some known bugs that I hope to fix in future.


  • Collect and draw all connections between notes in your Joplin database. Backlinks are included. There is a feature pending for a toggle "Backlinks on/off".
  • Vary depth of your linked tree rooted in the current note.
    • Click on the Max. distance slider to set tree depth between 0 and 5. Zero is like "Global view" in Obsidian, all notes are displayed.
  • Select multiple notes to draw in the Graph UI.
  • Open note or tag associated with node under curset with CTRL-LeftClick.
  • Build a graph according to some query independent of selected notes.
  • Filter notes accorning to some query defined in the UI.
    • Type your filter query in "Filter" input field and precc Enter. All notes that satisfy the condition in the "Filter" input field are EXCLUDED from the graph.
  • Toggle tag nodes on and off in the UI.
  • Flexible forces tweaks for each force in the graph UI in "Graph parameters" block.
  • Add colored groups to your graph in "Groups" block.
    • For each group type your condition in the last input field and press Enter or click the + button.
    • Colors are assigned automatically but can be adjusted.
    • You can adjust your filters dynamically afterwards, don't forget to press Enter, otherwise the filter would not be updated.

Note: Requires Joplin 1.7.0+


  • When adding new note if that note falls into one of the colored groups defined by user it is not colored until the graph is restarted or filter query is updated.
  • When you switch quickly between notes in the same tree sometimes graph does not update. Toggle graph off and on to rebuild


  1. Check out the Git repository
  2. cd into the repository and run npm install to install dependencies.
  3. Run npm run dist to build the plugin file.
  4. Launch Joplin in dev mode and load the plugin.

keywords: joplin-plugin