Plugin icon

Text Colorize


Easily apply color to text.

Additional Information

Maintainers: sadmice
Minimum app version:2.8.8
Downloads: This version:7739
Last updated:2023-12-11T22:07:39Z

Joplin Plugin - Text Colorize

🛑 Issue with Rich Text Formatting, i.e., "Why isn't my text retaining its color?" 🛑 - This issue stems from the limitations of the Rich Text Editor. Markdown format and HTML formatting cannot be converted from Rich Text to Markdown. Consider using the Markdown Editor. (For further information on Rich Text limitations, refer here)



Joplin plugin manager

  1. Open Joplin
  2. Go to Tools > Options > Plugins
  3. Search the plugin Text Colorize
  4. Click Install
  5. Restart Joplin


  1. Download latest release
  2. Open Joplin
  3. Go to Tools > Options > Plugins
  4. Click on the gear beside "Manage your plugins"
  5. Click Install from file
  6. Select the downloaded jpl file
  7. Restart Joplin


  1. Select the text you want to color
  2. Use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C (can be changed in the plugin settings)
  3. Choose a color
  4. Click Apply (foreground) or Apply as BG (background)

To restore the original color of the text, select the needed text (including span tags) and press Ctrl+Shift+R (can be changed in the plugin settings).