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Editor Commands

On Mobile

On mobile, there are two types of editor-related commands:

  • Editor commands
  • Note screen commands

These commands can be used in different cases and run in different contexts.

Note screen commands

These commands are stored in packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note/commands. Note screen commands run in the main React Native JavaScript context.

After adding a new note screen command, run yarn buildScriptIndexes from the top-level Joplin directory.

CodeMirror commands

These commands are stored in packages/editor/CodeMirror/editorCommands/editorCommands.ts and are shared between mobile and desktop. On mobile, these commands run in the editor WebView, giving them access to the CodeMirror API.

Although all of these commands can be accessed by plugins using editor.execCommand, some are registered directly with the CommandService. Registering an editor command with the CommandService can be useful in a few circumstances. In particular, it:

  • Allows the command to be run directly using CommandService.instance().execute('commandName'). This makes it simpler for plugins to access the command.
  • Allows adding a toolbar button for the command.

New editor commands registered with CommandService should:

  • Be added to NoteEditor/commandDeclarations.ts in the app-mobile package.
  • Be given the editor. prefix to mark them as editor commands. This changes how the commands are applied, for example, by focusing the editor after the command completes.

While testing a new editor command, be sure to watch the bundled editor JavaScript for changes. See for details.

On Desktop

On desktop, the different note editor types each register their own command handlers. For example, the useEditorCommands.ts hook in NoteBody/CodeMirror/v6/useEditorCommands.ts is responsible for registering the different editor commands.

In most cases, to share code with the mobile app, new commands here should call:

    // For some SomeCommand implemented in packages/editor
editorRef.current.execCommand(EditorCommandType.SomeCommand, ...argsHere)