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Joplin Server items

To upload an item to Joplin Server:

  • Call PUT /api/items with the serialized Joplin item. Examples of serialized items are described in packages/app-cli/tests/support/syncTargetSnapshots
  • That route is in packages/server/src/routes/api/items.ts. In there it's going to do some basic processing on the item, and eventually will call models.item().saveFromRawContent
  • This saveFromRawContent is where most of the job is done - it's going to detect what the item is, whether it's a note, notebook, etc. (this is the serialised content, as described above), or a binary file (resource).
    • If it's a resource, the content is going to be saved as-is in the database
    • If it's an item, it's going to deserialise it because we want to save certain properties separately in the database, such as the parent ID, the type (whether it's a note, notebook, etc.). We save these properties separately purely for performance reasons. Once the properties have been extracted, the rest of the object is serialised back to JSON and saved to the database.
  • In the end, the content is saved to the items table. The JSON item or the resource binary content will be saved to the content field. Other Joplin items properties will be saved to the jop_* fields. For example, the ID, the parent ID, whether encryption is enabled, etc.
  • items.jop_id is the ID as it was generated on the client. is the server-side ID. We need two different IDs because we have no way to guarantee that items.jop_id is globally unique since it's generated client-side.
  • In ItemModel there are various utility functions to deal with the content. This is because it may be saved in different places depending on configuration. It can be saved to the items.content field in the database, or it can be saved to S3, or to the filesystem. This is why any code that deals with item content must used these utility functions.