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Plugin Manifest

The manifest file is a JSON file that describes various properties of the plugin. If you use the Yeoman generator, it should be automatically generated based on the answers you've provided. The supported properties are:

manifest_versionnumberYesFor now should always be "1".
namestringYesName of the plugin. Should be a user-friendly string, as it will be displayed in the UI.
versionstringYesVersion number such as "1.0.0".
app_min_versionstringYesMinimum version of Joplin that the plugin is compatible with. In general it should be whatever version you are using to develop the plugin.
app_min_version_mobilestringNoMinimum version of Joplin on mobile platforms, if different from app_min_version
platformsstring[]NoList of platforms supported by the plugin. For example, ["desktop", "mobile"].
descriptionstringNoDetailed description of the plugin.
authorstringNoPlugin author name.
keywordsstring[]NoKeywords associated with the plugins. They are used in search in particular.
homepage_urlstringNoHomepage URL of the plugin. It can also be, for example, a link to a GitHub repository.
repository_urlstringNoRepository URL where the plugin source code is hosted.
categoriesstring[]NoCategories that describes the functionality of the plugin.
screenshotsImage[]NoScreenshots are used for listing on Joplin Plugin website.
iconsIconsNoIf Icons is not supplied, a standard plugin icon will be used by default. You should supply at least a main icon, ideally 48x48 px in size. This is the icon that will be used in various plugin pages. You may, however, supply icons of any size and Joplin will attempt to find the best icon to display in different components. Only PNG icons are allowed.
promo_tileImageNoPromo tile is an optional image that is used to promote your plugin on the Joplin Plugins website.


A list that can contain "desktop" and/or "mobile". If not given, it defaults to [ "desktop" ] for most plugins.


appearancedealing with appearance of some element/s of the app. For example line numbers, layout, etc.
developer toolsbuilt for the developers.
editorenhancing note editor.
filesdealing with files. For example import, export, backup, etc.
integrationsintegrating third party services or apps.
personal knowledge managementmanaging and organizing notes.
productivitymaking Joplin more productive to use.
searchenhancing search inside the app.
tagsdealing with note tags.
themeschanging theme of the app.
viewerenhancing the rendering of a note.


srca path or URL to a screenshot. If a path, src should be relative to the root of the repository (e.g. screenshots/a.png).
labeldescription of the image. This label will be used by screen readers or if the image cannot be loaded.

Note: If src is a path and not a URL, either repository_url or homepage_url must point to a GitHub repository for the screenshot to appear on the Joplin Plugins Website. See the relevant issue.


16path to a PNG icon.
32path to a PNG icon.
48path to a PNG icon.
128path to a PNG icon.

Note: All paths should be relative to the root of the repository.

Promo tile

This is an optional image that is displayed in the Joplin Plugin website main page. It is an opportunity to promote your plugin by using a catchy image. A good way to start with the promo tile is to display your icon or logo and the plugin name next to it. Have a look at the Chrome Web Store which has many good examples of promo tiles.

If no promo tile is provided, your plugin icon will be displayed instead.

srca path or URL to a screenshot. It must be a 440 x 280 image JPEG or PNG (no alpha). If a path, src should be relative to the root of the repository (e.g. images/promo_tile.png).
labeldescription of the image. This label will be used by screen readers or if the image cannot be loaded.

Manifest example

"manifest_version": 1,
"name": "Joplin Simple Plugin",
"description": "To test loading and running a plugin",
"version": "1.0.0",
"author": "John Smith",
"app_min_version": "1.4",
"app_min_version_mobile": "3.0.3",
"platforms": ["mobile", "desktop"],
"homepage_url": "",
"screenshots": [
"src": "images/screenshot.png",
"label": "An example of the plugin being used"
"src": "",
"label": "The plugin loading screen"
"icons": {
"16": "images/icon16.png",
"32": "images/icon32.png",
"48": "images/icon48.png",
"128": "images/icon128.png"
"promo_tile": {
"src": "images/promo_tile.png",
"label": "A logo of a plugin on a clear background"