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GSoC 2024 Ideas

This is another round for Joplin at Google Summer of Code. Detailed information on how to get involved and apply are given in the general Summer of Code introduction

These are all proposals! We are open to new ideas you might have!! Do you have an awesome idea you want to work on with Joplin but that is not among the ideas below? That's cool. We love that! But please do us a favour: Get in touch with a mentor early on and make sure your project is realistic and within the scope of Joplin.

Information for Contributors

These ideas were contributed by our developers and users. They are sometimes vague or incomplete. If you wish to submit a proposal based on these ideas, you are urged to contact the developers and find out more about the particular suggestion you're looking at.

Becoming accepted as a Google Summer of Code contributor is quite competitive. Accepted contributors typically have thoroughly researched the technologies of their proposed project and have been in frequent contact with potential mentors. Simply copying and pasting an idea here will not work. On the other hand, creating a completely new idea without first consulting potential mentors rarely works.

List of ideas

1. Seamless desktop application updates

The desktop application currently supports automatic updates, however the process is not particularly smooth: the user is presented with a modal dialog, where they need to click "Download" and that opens the default browser to download the file. Then they need to run this file and go through the installer.

We would like to make this process smoother:

  • The installer should be automatically downloaded in the background
  • It should then install the app automatically when the next time the app is started
  • And this should work at least on Windows and macOS (Linux may be special due to the different distribution methods)

Expected Outcome: The app shall inform the user that an update is available. If an update shall be applied, the installer runs the update process fully automatically in the background during the next startup. It shall be explored if a live update is feasible and how conflicts can be resolved as used files are to be replaced.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Skills Required: TypeScript, React. Some knowledge of Electron and electron-builder.

Potential Mentors: To be specified

Expected size of project: 175 hours

2. PDF annotations

We would like to add annotation support to the beta PDF viewer on desktop. The annotation tools should be similar to what's in Apple Preview for instance - ability to draw over a PDF, to add text boxes, to draw lines and arrow, etc. These annotations must be saved to the file.

Expected Outcome: Add annotations to a PDF file

Difficulty Level: High

Skills Required: JavaScript

Potential Mentor(s): K. C. Tessarek

Expected size of project: 175 hours

3. Plugin inspector

Electron provides an API that allows inspecting any sub-process it creates. We can use that to monitor the performance of each plugin - how much CPU they use, how much memory, etc. We would also like to display an alert in the app if a plugin is using too much resources over a long period of time.

Expected Outcome: A module that interacts with the Electron API and gather information about the plugin processes. A window that displays the list of plugin along with CPU and memory information. An alert when a plugin uses too much resources.

Difficulty Level: High

Skills Required: JavaScript, Electron

Potential Mentors: To be specified

Expected size of project: 350 hours

4. Template insertion tool

Joplin can store general templates as notes that can be used in various contexts. For example, it could have email templates that could be inserted into a Thunderbird email. Or code snippets that could be inserted into a text editor. The workflow will be as follows

  • User presses a global shortcut, for example, Ctrl+Alt+T, from any text editor (email client, code editor, etc.)
  • A floating window is opened, from which the user can pick a note
  • Once a note is selected, its content is inserted into the text editor

Expected Outcome: This can developed as an external application or possibly as part of the core application, but some changes will have to be made to allow this. It needs to work at least on Windows and macOS.

Difficulty Level: High

Skills Required: JavaScript, Windows/macOS programming

Expected size of project: 175 hours

Potential Mentors: To be specified

5. AI-supported summary of notes and notebooks

When your quantity of notes grows you may want to summarize them or an Abstract. That action shall be leveraged by AI.

Expected Outcome: This can developed as an external application or possibly as part of the core application, but some changes will have to be made to allow this. It needs to work at least on Windows and macOS.

Difficulty Level: High

Skills Required: JavaScript, Windows/macOS programming, ML, AI

Potential Mentors: To be specified

Expected size of project: 350 hours

6. AI-supported categorizing, tagging

When your quantity of notes grows you may want to review tags and rearrange notes and notebooks. That action shall be leveraged by AI.

Expected Outcome: This can developed as an external application or possibly as part of the core application, but some changes will have to be made to allow this. It needs to work at least on Windows and macOS.

Difficulty Level: High

Skills Required: JavaScript, Windows/macOS programming, ML, AI

Potential Mentors: To be specified

Expected size of project: 350 hours

7. Native encryption

We currently use sjcl for end-to-end encryption on all platforms. In the past, this has caused performance issues. Ideally, we would use a native encryption library.

Difficulty level: High

Skills Required: Typescript, Javascript, React Native, Java/Kotlin and Swift/Objective-C

Potential Mentor(s):

Expected size of project: 350 hours

8. Multiple editors open at once

Currently, it's only possible to have one Markdown or Rich Text editor open at a time. We would like to update Joplin Desktop's editor-related code such that multiple editors can be displayed at once, possibly in separate windows.

Expected Outcome: Ability to open multiple editors at once, in different panes or separate windows.

Difficulty Level: High

Skills Required: JavaScript, Electron

Potential Mentor(s):

Expected size of project: 350 hours

9. Rich text editor on mobile

At present, Joplin Mobile only has a Markdown editor, while Joplin Desktop has both Markdown and Rich Text editors. We would like to use the same rich text editor on mobile (though perhaps with improvements).

Expected Outcome: Rich Text editor on mobile.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Skills Required: JavaScript, React Native

Potential Mentor(s):

Expected size of project: 175 hours

10. Review process for plugins

We would like to improve the security of Joplin's plugin ecosystem by reviewing plugins' source code. This requires changes to the plugin build and publishing process. See RFC: Consider changing how we accept third-party plugins for details.

Expected Outcome: Plugins with reviewed source code, ability to build these plugins from source on a trusted server, and a process for reviewing updates and new plugins.

Difficulty Level: High

Skills Required: JavaScript

Potential Mentors: To be specified

Expected size of project: 350 hours

11. Allow editing a note in a new window

Currently there can be only one note being edited at a time, except when using the external editor feature. Perhaps based on that external editing feature, we would like to add the ability to edit a note in a separate window. That window would only contain the editor itself without sidebar. A good use for this feature would be to support a way to quickly add a note without leaving your currently opened note.

Expected Outcome: A way to view and edit a window in a new window. Potentially there could also be multiple windows, with a note in each of them.

Skills Required: Electron, TypeScript

Potential Mentors: To be specified

Expected size of project: 350 hours

12. Create a standalone sync API

Create a standalone sync api based on @joplin/lib which you can include into your code as a library and use it to sync with your target. That may involve modifying the existing library so that it can be used without a dependency to the app itself. A documentation on how to use the library would also be needed.

On top of that it doesn't even have to be in JS, it can be Python or any other language you are comfortable with. Such a re-implementation would be required to pass the existing synchronizer test units.

Skills Required: TypeScript, JavaScript

Potential Mentors: To be specified

Expected size of project: 350 hours

13. Joplin for wearable devices

It would be interesting to see if Joplin notes could be displayed on a wearable device (eg. a smart watch). It could be a way to quickly take a note from your watch. As this project can potentially be very complex, we only expect a prototype to demonstrate that it can be done.

Skills Required: TypeScript, JavaScript, Wearable device APIs

Potential Mentors: To be specified

Expected size of project: 350 hours

14. Integrate Joplin with voice assistants

Using Google Assistant or Siri for example, create a note in Joplin or, for example, ask Siri to read the most recent note.

Skills Required: TypeScript, JavaScript, knowledge of voice assistant APIs

Expected size of project: 175 hours

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